
Thursday, February 15, 2007


As I sit here listening to the boys cry themselves to sleep, They want to stay awake and I said "no", I am reminded of why I love running so much! So much that I tore my calf because I refused to take time off.

I love running because it makes me feel alive, it makes me feel free. Cliched, I know, but I still remember expending all that pent up energy on the play ground by playing tag. When I was running, then, I never wanted to stop. I just wanted to feel the wind, feel the blood pooling in my legs, feel my body heat up electric. I wanted to go forever and see what treasures I could find. No one could tell me what to do. I didn't know I was actually good at it until 5th grade. When our P.E. teacher timed the class for the presidential fitness doohickie I beat every single 5th grader at my school. Girls and boys. I thought it was fluke until I won the 5th grade all city cross country meet. I didn't win either of them on purpose. I just loved the freedom I felt when my feet hit the ground in a wild mantra. The faster I went the freer I felt. In winning I discovered power. Not over others, but the power harnessed within my legs. The power is contained within the mantra. As I unleash that power onto the pavement in the even rhythm of my feet, I unharness my spirit. To not run is suffocating and chlosterphobic.

Not everyday can be a day when I feel an "even rhythm". There are days when I feel like crap, legs all clumsy. Still, when I run, it's the days when I'm over taken by that wild mantra that I love the most. That's what keeps me at it!

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

valentinianish reflection

I've been thinking about my lame ass valentine's card, Valentine's Day, and Marriage. I've come to a few conclusions so brace yourself. First of all St. Valentine forwent (is that a word? it is now) love for martyrdom in the name love. So expecting something from someone on Valentines Day counters the true sentiment of the holiday. Second, all Valentine gave the woman he loved was a note (rejecting her offers) on a piece of sheep skin. At least I wasn't rejected. Third, the marriage thing... here comes the ramblings. Can you feel it?

My relationship with the note writter has spanned almost 9 years. That is one hell of a committment. I haven't kept up any other relationship for that long, and neither has he. We've been through some really REALLY ROUGH patches. Like the time we (and both the boys) were living on raman noodles and oatmeal.

During that time we had to spend any "extra" money to re-plumb the entire house... we went without water for 2 weeks. He was working 12 hours a day 6 days a week in a factory, coming home and plumbing. While i was home I was managing a 4 year old and a 2 year old on 0 dollars, no water, and little food. But they never knew it. We had fun anyway. The boys thought it was a game to catch the water in a bucket straight out of the main in the basement. Even through all our hardships our relationship has never really been tested. Our committment to each other, our marriage, our children some how out weighs any hardship, let alone some trinket of love.

I think I'll count my blessings that I still smell his clothes when I fold them. My breath escapes me when we kiss. He still reaches for my hand in secret. That Cooper rolls his eyes when we embrace and says, "oh great, Make out" and walks away smiling. That He stands up for me, cheers for me, praises me, believes me always, and knows me as well as I know myself. I do the same for him. WE both make HUGE sacrifices and don't keep a tally. We are best friends still. That is a miracle. That is a gift.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Happy flippin Valentines Day


Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Random happenings

It's past one am. I'm only awake because I have to get Casey in a few hours. I have nothing new to report. NO amazing stories. Except a few things the boys did that amazed me today.

School was cancelled today due to the ridiculously cold temps. I rejoiced at the extra time with the boys. They chose to spend most of the time playing, without me. *sigh* *shrug* They set up a tent in Coopers room. Mr. Naturalist himself of course came up with the idea. The tent looked perfectly natural in his room considering the walls are all murals to look like a beautiful sunny day. They kept the flap facing his TV open! Imagine that. They watched their Caillou DVD, I gave them lunch there. (note to the weary. They do not get any channels up there! They can only watch DVDs. Easier to monitor!)

It brought back so many memories of my own adventures. I think I was lucky my parents didn't hover so much. They let me go to Annie land and stay there all day if I wanted. So, as much as I wanted to be in on the camping trip I stayed out, but I did sit on the steps and listen for a while. I didn't even realize I was smiling until my face was sore. Who knows how long I sat there! It was wonderful.

When Cooper was done with that he got out the colored paper and crayons and made what looked like an interesting pie chart with numbers on it. I was informed later that it was a target "like the ones they have in bars." HUmmmm kay? Permission was granted for use of the scissors. He then proceeded to make a gun out of Lego's, and one lonely rubber band. After taping the target to his wall he occupied himself for a solid hour with the contraption!

Next on the list, 4 loaves of homemade bread! Of course they couldn't be ordinary! We died them interesting colors! Like red (red bread is scary looking), green, and blue.

Will was an all day happy accomplice, and contributor of ideas.

They both amaze me!

Thursday, February 1, 2007

you can do it!

to here>
Just to look down.
I was curious!
I can take a little R and R, right!
HELL YA!!!!!

<I climbed this (and then some... okay... a lot more than this)

a little mourning

As I drove to my parents today I passed some of my favorite running loops. I was frightened. Frightened because those loops are beginning to feel like lost acquaintances whose essence I occasionally miss; or a random craving for hummus, and not the close friends I have routinely depended on for all things, physical, emotional, and spiritual. I am grappling for anything to hold on. I've focused on eatting more fresh foods, on strength training, anything that makes me feel as though I am still doing what the competition is not willing to do. If I only had access to an indoor pool, then I'd be more at ease. That definition I have had of myself as an elite runner is fading as I begin to wonder if I'll ever get it back. Those thoughts are weaknesses I purge daily. The purging is becoming more and more difficult, but necessary if I am going to get back to kicking ass. I'm up for the challenge. Seems I have a lot of challenges facing me these days... I'm tough, I'm buff, I'm not in it alone, most of all I'm a stubborn ass! (if that sounds like a little self pep talk it was!)