

I receive absolutely NOTHING for endorsing these curricula.  I endorse them only because I KNOW they work well, because I've used them.  Anytime I use something else I always end up coming back to these.  I hope that says a lot given my credentials.

Let's start with reading and Language Arts 

Seeing Stars is a great curriculum.  It covers grades prek-5.  If you buy the kit you are set for a few years.  The teacher's guide makes this a very easy curriculum for anyone to implement.  It is research based, logically sequenced, and is great for all kids, and if you happen to have one of the 20% of kids who are dyslexic this will work beautifully for them.  The decoding workbooks are a MUST, but you can buy them one at a time and at about 9.00 each they are a steal.  If you can't afford the entire kit, please buy these to get your little one started.

Handwriting:  I would definitely use Handwriting without tears.  It is truly the best product out there to help your child master printing and cursive.  If you have the time and money, do the workshop.  This product is no more expensive than handwriting practice books at common box stores, but it is research based, AND appropriate for children with O.T. problems, and dyslexia.  Again, you won't know right away if your child is one of the 20% of children with dyslexia.  Why not just use BEST PRACTICE!

Megawords This is the next step in understand language at the word level.  THis is a must for you 3/4 grader on up.  It shows them that words are sentences within themselves and helps them breakdown the meaning of new/unfamiliar words as they progress (especially in science).  It also continues to work on their understanding of syllables.  Which is also crucial for comprehension and spelling.  The one addition I make is to also teach the meanings of the suffixes/prefixes/root words at the end of each lesson.  Word With The Word elaborates on this for grades 7 and up and is a great vocabulary program for high school students.

Michael Clay Thompson  When I was teaching I could not find a logically sequenced, visually based curriculum to teach the next part of language, sentence level construction (parts of speech and grammar).  I wrote my own curriculum, which was laborious and messy (literally... papers everywhere!).  Then I found this curriculum.  It is research based, and the SAME as the curriculum I wrote myself (missed the boat on that one ey!  I should have sold it I suppose.  I wasn't thinking about money, but only my students).  Each book needs the practice workbook to go along with it (10.00) to be of any use.  I was so happy to find this, for my kids, as I have long since given away all of this curriculum to the teacher that took my place.

Math-u-see  I can't say enough great things about this program.  It uses hands on manipulative at all levels from kindergarten thru Calculus.  It takes the mystery out of math, and links all elements from arithmetic to formal based math equations.  It is affordable, and comes with a DVD in which the creator TEACHES the lesson, and manipulative blocks all for 85.00 plus shipping!  It is sequential, logical, and cumulative!  Seriously, PLEASE get this for your kids... (dang I wish I was getting paid to say this!)  THere are sample lesson videos on this page so please watch them.  ALSO, definitely invest in the blocks!  I have used this for kids with Dyscalculia who struggle, to kids like my son who are quite gifted mathematicians!

I added the costs of these texts up (minus the seeing stars kit).  For one year I pay 147.50 a child for these texts (teacher manuals are included in my numbers).  With the Seeing Stars Kit I still pay a fraction of the cost of a private or parochial school and yet my sons receive a BETTER education.

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