
Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Kindergarten Krazies

It's noon. The phone rings as I exit the store. The wind is unforgivingly frigid. It's amazing I even made it there in one piece to begin with. Snow was drifting and falling across the roads, which were only identifiable because of the dirt trails cut by other idiotic drivers like myself. It's the school. They've cancelled school for the rest of the day could I come get Cooper. (Duh! It's not like the weather took a surprise turn for the worse!) So I slowly fishtail my way to the school.

It's crazy hair day today. I spent several minutes that morning with gel and hair spray manufacturing the messiest hair style possible, and setting it like concrete. Cooper was pumped! He was sure his hair would be the craziest.
I walk into the room and see the various interpretations parents had of crazy hair looking at me from a calmly cross legged, clump on the floor. The teacher walks over to greet me bracing a book in her armpit. At this moment I realized how much you can learn about a parents views/values on a day like this. There was everything from a Mohawk to three pony tails (that parent went all out crazy!). It was at this moment I became the catalyst to chaos.

"Wow. There sure is some crazy hair in this room!"

There was an immediate explosion of 15 little explanations of the creative process undertaken that morning by their parents. I learned about mediums, methods, and negotiations without even having to ask! Pretty soon they were trying to out talk each other. The noise level rose and rose. Cooper looked around in shock, or terror I'm not sure which. It wasn't long before the calm clump was mobile. They were after me. Dawn of the Dead! Then my attention shifted to the teacher for an apology. My lack of attention was all it took. They were spinning circles, skipping, pulling on each other's clothes. It had degraded into pure chaos.

At this moment I thought, "Well if Mrs. Dolan shares my insight about the hair style being a reflection of the parents views/values, she shouldn't be at all surprised by my inate ability to amass chaos!"

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