"Put to death then, the parts of you that are earthly; immorality (adultery), impurity, passion(anger), evil desire, and greed... and put on then, heartfelt compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience... bearing with one another and forgiving one another... and over all of these put on love..." I'm trying God. "Let the peace of Christ control your hearts" Oh yeah, thanks God. That definitely will make the first part easier ;) [Col. 3: 5,12-13, 15]
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
After feeling like I've been running underwater for a week, it was a nice change this morning to feel unharnessed. I haven't felt like my old running self in a long time. This morning was a close as I've come. I almost took my hair down, and outstretched my arms, Laura Ingles style, but I refrained. Today I longed to run a fall marathon. I want to so badly, I don't have a goal time... just the desire to finish. IT's a rite of passage. I'm not a real runner if I don't, right? It's all I want. I love everything about the fall marathon. Pink, green, red, black and orange to start. Live music. bananas and beer at the finish. crunchy leaves wisping around the trampled water cups in the street. They guy with the long beard and the pony tail (come on every marathon has one of those guys, and he's usually wearing a loud mismatched outfit). I love all of it, down to the foil blanket and massage tent at the end! *sigh*
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