
Monday, November 12, 2007

sunday bloody sunday

It wasn't bloody literally, but there was carnage; Amy's lost timing chip, Matt's car keys, all of our old 10k PR's. The Westchester Veterun 10k was a combination of wreckless nerves, and cool temperatures culminating in the best 10k's of our lives. I didn't recieve a timing chip myself until minutes before the race started, but Amy (who registered girl) forgot to pick her's up. The chips weren't in the race day bag, as is the proceedure we runner's have grown accustomed to. She had to run back to the tent 10 minutes before the start to retrieve her golden ticket, only to have it fall off before the first mile marker!

The race was off with a gun shot. No on your marks. Just a startling gun shot that had me literally jumping into this race. The course was nearly flawless. Our route lined with half shed trees. Yellow leaves sheathed on our path. I couldn't help but feel like Dorothy on the yellow brick road. Honestly though, nothing was more wonderful than the sweet resin our performances left for me to taste even today. What an awesome confirmation for us and for Jenny. EVERY SINGLE Spangler camp kid that ran this race PRed in this race. The fact leaves no arguing... the woman KNOWS what she's doing!

The RD did let Amy's watch time stand, thank god she kept a watch on herself, after a few runners near her vouched for her placing. She ended up 3rd woman, and ran a 37:52! Thank goodness that "counts" officially! Rob was second man overal 32:47. Matt ran a 34:35 and won his age group (despite wearing old trainers because his flats were locked in his car). Brad ran a 37:22, and Kevin ran a 37:45. What a strong showing!

On a personal level I narrowed my self-doubt and sleep time to the narrow window of one mile. IT keeps getting smaller and smaller! 35:58 for me a PR. Third 10k, third PR. I was in it and that felt wonderful. A detailed race report to follow... once I churn it over a little..

**** Side note, I totally pigged out on 7 layer bars and brownies the night before! Good thing: I didn't crap myself (mostly luck). Bad thing: how much more efficient would I have been had I eatten something healthy?


  1. You know what my favorite part of the post is?? That your three mile split is almost as fast as my all time fastest 5k I have ever run..Ha-ha, and you ended up running negative splits after running a time close to my 5K PR..I would have curled up and died after coming through the 3 mile marker! You are one amazing runner Annie! Ha-ha~

  2. don't lie like that! You know that you're 5k is faster than that! you have to add about 30 sec. to the even 3 mile time to get the 5k time....dork. that would be like 18:06


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