
Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Marathoning Mommy

There will be two entries today... For a blog about my adventures as a Mommy who wants to be a fast marathoner I have never included any sort of documentation to show how I try to balance these two full-time jobs. A Glimpse at one day... then an over view of a week.


5:00am WAke up get dressed Drink a cup of Coffee in the quiet...
5:15 wake everyone else! load pajama boys in the car sleepy eyed and all
5:45-6:45: Drop Casey off at the train station
6:45: Boys must do chores, make beds, clean room etc. I make breakfast.
7:00am EAT BREAKFAST! and clean up dishes
7:20-8:00 It's a mad house getting lunches ready, hair brushed... nagging the boys to get dressed and brush their teeth. Hunting for library books etc.
8:10 head to bus stop with cooper...
8:25 back home with Willem, who is hopefully still clean.
8:25-8:50 some down time with Willem "Curious George"
8:50 Head to bus stop with Willem...
9:00 Good bye Willie! I head for a morning run... secretly racing the Bus out of the complex and waving at Mr. Sunshine as I do...
9:30 head back in from said run.
9:30-10:00 Computer time
10:00-11:00 Laundry other Miscellaneous Chores
11:00 Brunch
11:20 Shower (I know I'm gross) get dressed take vitamins.. "me" time
12:00 make lunch
12:20 get Willem off the bus
12:30 we eat lunch
12:50-1:30 reading time
1:30-3:00 Willem's rest time, sometimes I get a nap here, other times I do more chores
3:00-4:00 Willie and I play together or separate... depends on what he wants
4:00 Cooper gets off the buss
4:00-4:30 They eat a snack I pack water and such for my evening track workout
4:45- Out the door to lake forest
5:15 leave the car at the train station for Casey, Shelley picks us up and takes us the the track
5:25 arrive at track, the boys play like mad men (thursday's they have a playdate instead), and I run a workout 10x1000 or 6x1mile with a 2-3 mile warm up and cool down.
6:45 Casey arrives from work, and depending on the boys either takes them home or stays and watches the workout
7:15 head home
7:45 arrive and begin dinner
8:00pm eat dinner
8:30 boys to bed
9:00 me to bed

Monday's, Wednesday's and Friday's belong to the boys. I don't run at all on Mondays. I clean, and cook a real family meal, and play soccer, or tag with the boys in the afternoon. Sometimes we go for a hike, or to the beach. On Wednesday's I run once in the morning while Willem is gone. Then We go to Cooper's Gymnastics class in the afternoon, and Friday I run once in the morning and the boys and I play together in the afternoon. That's how we get balance around here! Weekends are when I "work" I'll be gone in the morning until 10 or 11 getting in a long run one day, and some "me" time the other, while Casey hangs out with boys. Definitely a lot in a day but what is temporary to me, is permanent to my sons. I don't want them looking back on their childhood and remembering long days filled with boredom. I want them to look back and remember days filled with vivacious laughter and merriment. Now, I did have one or two days this cycle where on a Wednesday or Friday I popped a movie in and lied on the ground and the boys watched a movie because I was too tired to move. That is a rarity they grant me without protest. So it may be hard to crest 100mpw with kind of schedule, but that's okay with me.

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