
Wednesday, January 4, 2012

10 ways to Pay it Forward.

Ten things we can to do to Pay it forward...

1.) If you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all.  In all honestly, no one cares to hear you be negative.

2.) Smile and Say "Hello" to everyone you meet today.

3.) Take the time to listen to strangers stories.  Some people desperately need to unburden themselves from their load, and you may be the only person they have to talk to, so be a good listener.  Sometimes it can really test your patience, but it is an important thing for us to do.  Taking the time to be invested in humanity is never a waste of time.

4.) When someone drops something, or many things, help them pick it up.

5.) Tell your mail carrier, newspaper boy, etc.  "Thank you"

6.) Give genuine compliments... even to family members.  I think it's sometimes easier to give strangers compliments than family.  I think this one is CRUCIAL to do with our kids.  We get so busy telling them what not to do, and what they need to do better that we forget to tell them what they do well, and what we appreciate about them.

7.) Make a gratitude list.  While this is something you do for yourself, make a list of what you have to be grateful for and everyone you encounter will benefit from your improved mood.  Not to mention that when we are focused on what WE HAVE, we aren't focused on what don't have nor do we envy what others DO HAVE.

8.) Be a friend, to everyone.  I'm not saying to bring everyone home.  I am talking about when you are outside of your house.  So often we enter into the world defensively, seeing others as our enemy, and we aren't even aware of our attitude.  Start seeing those around you as a friend, and you will be nicer to everyone.  Perhaps everyone will be nicer to you.

9.) Be GREEN.  yep, being good to the Earth is good for everyone.

10.) Be good to yourself.  If you can't love yourself, you can't love anyone else.

It takes a lot of courage to get started on any of these, because you could easily be met with grumpiness. Just remember, "we must be the change we want to see in the world" Ghandi (of course!)

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