
Monday, March 5, 2012

Homeschool debate DECIDED

So, I have already stated that Casey an I have decided to homeschool Cooper, and perhaps eventually Willem too.  I simply wanted to provide a link to the co-op we are planning on becoming a part of.  It offers Spanish, Latin, Biology, Physics (with LABS), and AP Classes for high school.  They don't seem to offer English classes which is fine for us because I am a licensed English Teacher after all.  This just proves that there ARE alternatives to Public Education that provide BETTER learning environments and equal opportunities for kids.  I plan on offering my expertise; for kids with Dyslexia, literary analysis, and writing (both creative and research). Hopefully, I can teach a few reading and writing workshops for the older kids who are getting ready for college.  If not, that'll be fine too.  The Williamsburg Classical Community Academy  is the name of the Co-op.  If this isn't to my liking (which from the course descriptions I think it will be) I will start my own.  Roughly 30$ a class, per month.  Really, not bad AT ALL!

I encourage you to look into this type of setting as a viable option for your own children.  Public Education is becoming less and less educational every year.  We all need to remain invested in the state of our public schools regardless, as they are churning out the majority of our work force.  However, in order to begin effecting change we need to stop accepting public school as the ONLY option.  There is absolutely nothing wrong with parents coming together to provide their talents and knowledge to teach a group of children.  Most of these parents are qualified, much as I am, to provide these kids with a QUALITY education, and they don't have the machine crushing them with silly requirements that take great teachers and ruin them.  If you don't believe it's happening, read this article...  His story isn't an anomaly, it is the story of every teacher in every classroom in the US.  It was my story.  It has been the story of every teacher my sons have ever had.  I have had enough, and want BETTER for myself and my sons, and I looked until I found it.  If you can't find the "better", be the "better".

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