
Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Mother Arguments... with myself.

Because I like to torture myself I am taking my little introverted self (who is also quite grumpy this morning) to the school so I can meet with other moms and build the set for Will's upcoming play.  Wish me luck.  I am terrified.  I will put on my best "funny girl" face, and probably do a wonderful job of fooling everyone into thinking I'm "oh so funny and outgoing".  Then I will spend the remainder of the day recovering, via nap, TV veg-out sessions, and oh, perhaps a run.  Why do I do this to myself?  I do it for my kids... (LOL please).

Oh yes, I wouldn't want them to be the kids of, "that woman, the one that won't talk to anyone" or "you know that grumpy lady with the chest tattoo".  I would much rather they were the kids of, "that really funny chick".  Since I'm capable of being quite charming and funny, that's the "me" I wear to these things... most of the time.  Today I have to wear her since at Will's Valentine's poetry reading I was in charge of taking the class pictures, and I awkwardly stood with the sun to my back as the other parents ALL stood facing the sun.  So there we were in a photography stand off, me vs. them.  HOW awkward!  I totally made up for it BY NOT TALKING TO ANYONE and leaving early.  No, today I HAVE to ooze charm; even if it costs me the rest of my day... and then I hear logic and it sounds a lot like my husbands voice,  "Annie, people don't care about you.  They care about them.  So long as you don't offend anyone they'll forget all about you."  Hmmmm... I THINK I'd like that actually.

What I'd like to be

So let me get this right, if I can keep my darn foot out of my mouth, which is pretty hard for me, I don't have to be charming?  "NO YOU DON'T HAVE TO BE CHARMING, you just have to NOT piss people off".  Really?  "yes, You weren't exactly charming to me when we first met and I fell in love with you"  By the way, this conversation never happened.  It's happening in my head, pulled from bits and pieces of 13 years worth of real conversations.  He's right.  The first thing I ever said to him boils down to, "you're ugly". Which was a lie.  He had just gotten on my nerves with a cheesy come-on line.  He is so weird.  Bad example honey, you aren't normal.  Most people would've hated me forever for that.

Self-Portrait... really.  I drew this of myself.
Okay, so now I feel sufficiently pepped up.  Thanks to a conversation, with the husband, in my head.  I will go to this thing and not be silent, and not be offensive.  OH DAMNIT I'M DOOMED!  I'm going to have to default to the oozing charm... *sigh*.  But what will that teach my kids?  To be popular is more important than being true to who you are?  They won't be there, that's right.  Do I opt or silence or steal the show?  AAAAHHHHHHH.... I've become too adept at masking my introversion.  It benefits me how?  *sigh*

"Mom, can you come get me?  I'm frozen"  and that's my cue to stop blogging.  There's a 5ft tween that needs to be rescued from his bed, and I still have to put on my cape (which looks a lot like an apron, but backwards and around my neck instead of my waist) before I head up there.

I just wanted my readers to see that all this being a Mom stuff can drive me insane... before my kids even get up in the morning.  I hope you got a good laugh out of my inner debate...


  1. I got a good laugh for sure. I love the bit about the first time you met Casey. And how he's weird for liking you after you told him he was ugly. And the part about a grumpy lady with a chest tattoo :D

    P.S. I don't think you need to TRY to be charming Annie. It's their fault. The problem with most adults/parents is that they take themselves WAY TOO seriously. This leaves them no room to see anyone else besides themselves and people who are like them. Charming is something they can understand and fake, interesting is something they can no longer attain nor fake so it makes them immediately uncomfortable to be around someone who is just naturally interesting and complex like you. :) Hope you have a good day

  2. and p.s. thank you for reminding me not to be one of those parents standing with their backs to someone who is pretty cool.

    1. Coming from some one who has known the Caseymister and I in all our crazy flawed splendor as individuals, and as a couple... I take your laughs as a huge compliment! ;) Since I think you'd have to in order to really "get" the full laugh out of that comment.. P.S. the mom that came this morning reminded me of YOU! It was as much fun as when shamelessly pigged out on candy on Track trips! People like me NEED people like you! ;)


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