

Initially researched and discerned by Carl Jung, then further researched by Keirsey, Myers, Briggs, and others are 16 personality types.  This profiling is so complicated, well researched, and respected that most large corporations have employees who have received highly specialized training, and certifications in this branch of psychology.  These employees give prospective candidates the indicator and interpret the results to narrow the pool of prospective candidates, based on their preferred modes of functioning, prior to an interview process.  It is also used by regular folks to learn more about strengths, weakness, how we like to communicate, make decisions, etc. More information on the type indicator here.  Anyway, I am an INFJ, only 1% of the population share this personality type with me.  I have taken the test for jobs, and on my own.  It's a for sure thing.  Below you will find a description of my personality type.  While it won't tell you everything about me, it is an accurate description of how I "tick" so to speak.  There is more information than you need, though the bullets paint an extremely accurate picture of how I, and other INFJs work.  ;) You can take the test here.  I have highlighted the things most pertinent to others who have to deal with me ;) .  I hope other INFJs find solace in this information.  We tend to walk around feeling quite out of place until we stumble upon this and realize... There ARE other people like us!  Sort of like the little bumble bee girl from Blind Melon's "No Rain" video!


  • sensitive and compassionate personality
  • quiet and fair leaders;  original, complex and have a lot of integrity.
  • due to an extremely high intelligence they are often very open-minded and as a result are often selfless and non-judgmental of others.
  • great depth of personality - intricately and deeply woven, mysterious, and highly complex, sometimes puzzling even to themselves
  • abstract in communicating - often struggles verbally, normally has amazing written skills.
  • live in a world of hidden meanings and possibilities - part of an unusually rich inner life - artistic (and natural affinity for art), creative, and easily inspired
  • extremely intelligent - often posses a genius IQ - but they aren't proud about it like the NT types.
  • has the ability to use both the left and right lobes of the brain equaly and interchangeably to think logically and artistically/abstractly, this ability is very rare and has powerful implications.
  • Great listeners
  • don’t like attention.
  • often aren’t really open to views that oppose theirs, but will listen with an open mind - mostly out of curiosity.
  • like to set goals and are able to work hard to achieve them.
  • decisive organized planners.
  • can be stubborn and inflexible.
  • usually very warm, very gentle, very sensitive and are likely to take things personally that weren’t intended that way.
  • are often perfectionists and expect a lot from themselves and others.
  • value "being true to yourself" - authenticity
  • are on a lifelong search for a unique identity and meaning; spirituality is important to us
  • can be hard to get to know, depending on the other person (reciprocity)
  • are sometimes seen by others as cold and hard on the outside
  • may find it easier to express their deepest feelings and sentiments non-verbally or in writing
  • abhor evil or injustice, especially that directed towards the innocent or helpless
  • are sometimes looked upon by others as naive, mostly due to our idealism
  • can be quite gullible; many INFJs build up a protective armour over the years to protect against this and being "used" by others
  • enjoy thoughtful discussion but dislike arguing for argument's sake
  • are bookworms, love bookstores and libraries
  • are affiliative; get stressed and cannot survive for extended periods without company
  • rarely get into conflict, but when it erupts, can be very bitter
  • love quotes/quotations and are often "philosophers" or "theologists"
  • are "Directors" who give advice, though usually very subtle
  • are interested in and often experience ESP, "new thought," or psychic experiences - can actually feel what you feel in most cases
  • due to your strong empathic abilities you tend to mimic other personality types when they are around
  • "Mute withdrawal" is a major INFJ defense.

Towards the self

INFJs value their integrity a great deal. They are generally "doers" as well as great dreamers. They have high expectations of themselves and need to live their lives in accordance with what they feel is right. They do this through total trust of their intuition. They believe in constant growth and don't often take time to revel in their accomplishments. INFJs are proud of their authenticity, respectful of their benevolence, confident of their empathy. They also are constantly in a state of self-renewal.

Towards the world

Towards the future: credulous, the past: mystical
INFJs prefer the future and the pathway along which they aspire for profundity. They've even been known to have visions/premonitions/auditory and visual images of things to come. They are often said to possess supernormal (even supernatural) intuitive ability in both its forms: projection and introjection. They search for their unique identity and place in the world, constantly defining this better. They are activists there for the cause, not for the power, fantasize about getting revenge on those who victimize the defenseless, and put a lot of energy into identifying the best system for getting things done.  These are not people you want to betray.
INFJs have a knack for communication - often lengthy emails. In addition, nonverbal sensitivity enables the INFJ to know and be known by others intimately.


An INFJ is often hard to get to know, but will be a very rewarding relationship for those willing to commit the time and effort. They are selective about their friends, but such a friendship is a symbiotic bond that transcends mere words... They hunger for deep and meaningful relationships, provide spiritual intimacy for their mate; closest friends, and can only be emotionally intimate and fulfilled with a chosen few from among their long-term friends, family, or obvious "soul mates." In such relationships, they strive for mutuality, don't believe in compromising their ideals, and can understand and deal with complex issues and people.  You will find no one more committed to your friendship or a deeper more meaningful bond.  INFJs have a 'guardian angel' reputation for a very special and specific reason.  
It can be difficult for an INFJ to articulate their deepest and most convoluted feelings to others. They tend to be secretive by holding back and protecting part of themselves (often due to the fear of being misunderstood), thus creating hidden sides to their personality. They are choosy of what and when to share things and tend to only truly do so with those they trust immensely. When they reveal things, it is often through speaking interpretively and metaphorically of the abstract world of their imagination. However, they can work quite intensely with those close to them, being cooperative in implementing goals - even though their own trusted intuition can sometimes make them a bit stubborn. They can become aware of another's emotions/intentions before that person is often conscious of them. This leads to strong empathic abilities, an unusually strong desire to contribute to the welfare of others while pointing out human potentials, and uncanny communications with certain individuals at a distance. They are often leaders who go unnoticed, quietly exerting their influence behind the scenes. When working with others, they are very sensitive to conflict and cannot tolerate it very well. They will prevent/avoid it at all costs.  They can feel very closed-in when emotions run high in any situation.   INFJs with a strong empathic-intuitive characteristic will often mimic or copy other personality traits they are close to or around for long periods almost like a cameleon blending in to its surroundings.  
Once an INFJ opens up to you and trusts you - it can be very intense.  They will often share their most intimate thoughts, visions and dreams.  It will feel like information overload to most, but if you are being trusted by an INFJ - feel honored.  They rarely trust people with their inner emotions and feelings.  This may materialize as very long and intense letters or emails - maybe even a poem.  Accept it as you would a Divine gift, these people are rare and for them to open-up is even more unusual and special.


  1. Being one myself I totally relate to this...thanks for sharing a detailed description of the INFJ :)

  2. So accurate, and well put. I am also an INFJ, guilty of the long emails. :/

  3. Cool descriptions. I'm an infj myself - and completely misunderstood sometimes. Any ladies ever need to talk, my email is Keep kickin' ass, guys.

  4. Hey i want to ask you. If INFJ are intellectual and open minded. I believe myself to be a theorist and analytical(eventhough isnt as good as NT's type, i use mostly intuition). All those descriptions fit me. If i love lots of possibilities( the possibilities are objective and philosophical), dont like to narrow possibilities to one which mean i like to keep the possibilities until i find the best type but still keeping the old one a bit, and not really a judging type( perceiving and judging around 50 : 50 ). Do i still considered to be an infj?

  5. ANDRE have you taken the MBTI, the actual test? you may want to read, "Please understand me" (I and II). Those books do a great job of breaking things down and unpacking the descriptions of type in a way that is manageable. With Perceiving/Judging and all functions, everyone PREFERs one. I have many "P" tendencies, but I PREFER closure, and planning... I am driven to find closure, to maintain a schedule and I get super funky with out it. Many people test "INFJ" on the Humanmetrics test that are actually INFP... so you may want to check that out.

  6. I just discovered I am one too. It makes me feel like I'm not alone anymore :) I don't ever feel like I belong, because I am so different from everyone.

  7. Love this... finding out I was INFJ was one of the most freeing days of my life because I realized that I was not alone in all of those feelings I had inside of my head. This is one of the most accurate descriptions I have seen so far.

  8. I am also an INFJ. I definitely understand the part about being able to better communicate through writing than verbally. It's nice to know there are others out there too :).

  9. I have to say, it's disturbing to read a personality profile so closely aligned with me.
    You know, life is not easy being an INFJ and I'm quite extreme with many of these traits, some say I'm nerdy & too complex at times . This MBTI type is also prone to broader sociological issues (not listed) & it's likely others here, know what I mean... Despite the many advantages, I find that you can't always be yourself and a form of acting can prevail to fit in,,, this is also stressful ;; I retreat to charge my batteries !
    Life is certainly "interesting" as an INFJ but the most difficult for finding happiness.

  10. Thank you for posting this. It seems we have a lot in common. I am also a military wife, homeschooling mom, blogger, writer, and an infj. What are the odds? I have enjoyed what I have read so far.

    1. Thanks Brook. I am going to head over and check out your blog! Over the last 18 months I haven't been able to get to my blog as much as I like. Sorry it took me so long to approve your comment (and everyone else's).

  11. Hi annieswords, recently I had a misunderstanding with an infj and I would like to understand from the perspective of an infj why he behaved the way he did. Can we chat about this over email please?

  12. Thank you for sharing this. It is nice to know I am NOT alone. I will be sharing this on my FB page. My own blog, Embrace the Woo-Woo, can be found here:


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