I've been thinking about my lame ass valentine's card, Valentine's Day, and Marriage. I've come to a few conclusions so brace yourself. First of all St. Valentine forwent (is that a word? it is now) love for martyrdom in the name love. So expecting something from someone on Valentines Day counters the true sentiment of the holiday. Second, all Valentine gave the woman he loved was a note (rejecting her offers) on a piece of sheep skin. At least I wasn't rejected. Third, the marriage thing... here comes the ramblings. Can you feel it?
My relationship with the note writter has spanned almost 9 years. That is one hell of a committment. I haven't kept up any other relationship for that long, and neither has he. We've been through some really REALLY ROUGH patches. Like the time we (and both the boys) were living on raman noodles and oatmeal.
During that time we had to spend any "extra" money to re-plumb the entire house... we went without water for 2 weeks. He was working 12 hours a day 6 days a week in a factory, coming home and plumbing. While i was home I was managing a 4 year old and a 2 year old on 0 dollars, no water, and little food. But they never knew it. We had fun anyway. The boys thought it was a game to catch the water in a bucket straight out of the main in the basement. Even through all our hardships our relationship has never really been tested. Our committment to each other, our marriage, our children some how out weighs any hardship, let alone some trinket of love.
I think I'll count my blessings that I still smell his clothes when I fold them. My breath escapes me when we kiss. He still reaches for my hand in secret. That Cooper rolls his eyes when we embrace and says, "oh great, Make out" and walks away smiling. That He stands up for me, cheers for me, praises me, believes me always, and knows me as well as I know myself. I do the same for him. WE both make HUGE sacrifices and don't keep a tally. We are best friends still. That is a miracle. That is a gift.
Haha, good post and very true. :)