It's nice to take in a low mileage week. It gives me time to focus on other stuff. Had cooper's P/T conference. His teacher insists, despite a Doctor's evaluation, that Cooper has ADD! The kid has the activity level of a premo athlete! Go figure. He's not distractable, he's bored, and doesn't want to sit still. He's seven, His parents were both D1 athletes, and he's very smart. challenge him, let him move about. It seems to me to be educational malpractice to ask 7 year olds to sit in their seats for 6 hours a day. It's not developmentally appropriate! I have watched his self esteem deflate over this school year. It's been extremely difficult to watch. I don't really know what to do. I'm probably going to ask for a different teacher. One that's willing to be flexible for their students. This teacher has had one discipline problem after another with his entire class. I think it can be assumed that he is not meeting the needs of his students, and from cooper's deflation, I think I can also assume he's blaming the kids. It's all too common now for teacher to toss aside their own accountability for an misdiagnosis of ADD. I've seen it myself as a teacher. This is going to take some finess... Something I don't have. Good luck to me... More luck to Cooper.
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