
Monday, April 16, 2012


So, I don't talk about my MBTI preference often, but yesterday something happened that is common with my type.  A friend observed a physical reaction to me EMPATHING.  I have an extroverted feeling mechanism which means I take on other people's feelings.  If some one close to me, emotionally (like my children) or physically, is angry I take on that anger.  Once I take on an emotion I have to work HARD not to react out of that emotion.  I can remember being young and feeling sad, happy, angry, and not knowing why.  This emotion I was feeling wasn't how I actually felt.  It is like an emotional hi-jacking.  This is actually quite common for my MBTI type, the INFJ.

This can cause some people a lot of anxiety, and even depression.  It is really freaky if you know it's happening.  If you never figure it out you just ride this emotional roller coaster everyday and you desperately want off but see no way out since you aren't at the controls.  Luckily, as I got older I came to understand that it wasn't "my" feeling and I learned to control my reactions to these feelings.  I gained control.  Even though I gained control over my reactions, I'm not sure I ever realized what was actually happening.  I'm not sure I knew I was taking on other people's garbage, and I definitely didn't see it as a gift, or as having a purpose.  I was surviving emotionally, in that I wasn't allowing other people's emotions to send me on a roller coaster ride.  The best I was doing was having the right words of comfort for my students.  I'm not sure I was aware of WHEN I'd start empathing either.  It was more of me doing "damage control" after the fact.

Yesterday, as I waited in line for Confession with a close friend of mine a woman came into the room.  She was laboring to breathe.  As my friend and I were in the only two chairs, I stood up to let her sit in my chair.  I stayed pretty far away from her.  I didn't want to get physically close to her, but I didn't know why.  I was just more comfortable the farther away I was.  My friend also got up, as another older woman entered.  When the second woman left the room, the first woman patted the empty chair and looked at me.  She then motioned for me to come sit next to her.  I thought, "okay God, I'll do it even though I don't want to, I will do it".  I sat down.  I immediately had a hard time breathing and became extremely tired.  I thought it was all in my head.  She told me that she had open heart surgery 6 months earlier.  We chatted for a while.  I touched her shoulder to comfort her.  I don't like touching or being touched by strangers so this was a big deal for me.  It zapped my energy, though again I thought it was all in my head.  I didn't really notice the zapping immediately.  Like I said, this is a damage control thing for me.  I tend to not notice the moment I take it on, more that I notice the after affects.

I let her go first.  After this woman entered the Confessional my friend said, "Let it go Annie".  I said, "Huh?"  "Let it go.  Whatever you took on from her let it go."  I had NEVER told anyone about this.  Actually, this blog entry is my first disclosure of this to anyone, including my husband.  It seemed too "goofy" it sounds crazy, and I tend to think it's all in my head.  So I stare blankly open-mouthed at my friend and she says, "As soon as you sat next to that woman your eyes got VERY dark circles under them and you looked ill.  It was very scary to watch.  It was like my friend got sick right in front of my eyes.  Whatever you took from her, Let it go."  At this point I realized what just happened was a gift.  Not only did I now know it isn't all in my head, for the first time in my life someone saw the moment I empathed.  I will now know how to tell that initial moment in the future, and how to purpose it.  From a Christian perspective I can use this knowledge for prayer.  I know EXACTLY what to pray for, even with strangers, without that person ever speaking a word.  Also, I suspect praying for them is the fast way to "let it go".

Until today, this was a heavy burden.  It made it hard to be around others.  When Army Wives would come to my house resentful and angry during TDY's it made me resentful and angry, even though I hadn't been before they got there.  I would then spew venomous accusations at my husband during his next call and not know why, and not feel they had merit.  Poor guy would be caught off guard, and we'd both end up feeling awful.  It meant that when I was (am) in a crowd I go home and feel like I need an emotional shower.  My mode of functioning became avoidance in attempt to control this.  I think, I hope, that now I can endure these things and LET THEM GO instead of them lingering for hours, perhaps days, like pollen on my patio.  This is a burdensome gift that has nothing to do with me.  It doesn't make me special.  It doesn't mean I'm some amazing saintly human.  It also doesn't mean I'm worthless, or cursed.  I'm neither.  It simply means I need to pray when this happens to me.  I need to "Let it go and let God".  I am sharing this so that others with this same burdensome gift, and I know there are lots of you, will learn how to recognize it and use it positively.  Also, I hope they learn this gift affects them but means nothing about their worth.  Good luck to you.


  1. Wow! This totally hit me like a ton of bricks. I had an amazing revelation while reading this post. How do I explain this? My family is full of really broken people who don't necessarily know that they are broken. I live pretty far from them, on purpose, and we get along great now that I am removed from all of the drama. I never realized until just now that the reactions that I have when I go back to visit are due to me EMPATHING! I love my family, but until a few moments ago, I hated going to visit them because I feel like complete crap physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually while I'm there and for a long time afterward. This is huge, Annie! Thanks so much for sharing.

  2. I AM SO GLAD! <3 Perhaps you and I can go on this journey of learning to control this ability, instead of it controlling us, together. It is very hard to find Christian information on this. Most of it is affiliated with the Occult. Once we can understand it, and have control of it, we can use it GREATLY to do God's will (especially in prayer)! Don't you think?

  3. My other post just was deleted, so I have to retype this... :(

    Yes, it is definitely possible to overcome what you are referring to... (I had originally written this in a much more detailed way, but I wanted to at least get something out tonight despite the fact that it is so late.)

    A few verses to look at:

    If you have confessed with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, then you are a Christian and this is for you...

    Ephesians 5:18: "Do not get drunk on wine, which leads to debauchery. Instead, be filled with the Spirit."

    Romans 15:13: "May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit."

    Romans 12:2a: "Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind."

    What these verses are getting at is that by continuously spending time with Christ and conforming the way that you think to the things of Christ-- that you can be filled with the Holy Spirit such that Christ's Love and Power can actually flow from you and to others.

    For me personally, when I am seeking after Christ, spending time with Him in the morning and at night in prayer and reading my Bible, I am are more in line with God than when I am not. All throughout the day, I try to be mindful of Christ and to look to Him in prayer.

    When I am truly following after Christ, He acts as a guard for me when I am around people that would drain me. He has also showed me how to avoid being around them when possible

    When I am around people that truly relish in the world, I actually become nauseous, can feel sick to my stomach, and even get a headache. God has showed me how to avoid them, or, if I must spend time with them, how to use Christ as a shield to protect myself from what they are talking about or doing.

    By the way, on the opposite side, Christ can actually use you to heal/help others when He calls you to do so and you are filled with the Holy Spirit. In such a case, I do not feel drained, but, instead, very alive and praising God for allowing me to be a part of His Awesome Will. Christ's Power flows out of me and people can actually feel His Love through my witness of Christ.

    Anyway, I know that this is somewhat of a short post for a deeper thought, and I pray that someone is still reading this blog because it would be great if you were able to learn one of the things that Christ taught me:

    How to protect myself from others while at the same time being filled with the Holy Spirit and helping others.

    In Christ,

    1. Christian, the above verses are really important to me, and are really similar in their message to the one posted at the top of my page. I wanted to say, THANK YOU for your comment! For taking the time to REPOST it! You words ring true to my experience. It has been a few months from this post. I have experienced everything you mention, but haven't had the words to articulate it yet. You have put words to my experience. When before I knew about this "ability", and early into my knowning, I NEEDED to shield myself from "people that truly relish the world". I too would get physically ill, and sometimes I could feel my lips curl involuntarily. I would be embarassed, and feel awful about my reaction. As I have run to Christ, more and more, to help me I have peace. I can enter the world unafraid. The more I trust him to help and protect me, the more I acknowledge that I truly can do nothing without him, the less my "ability" controls me. He wants me out there, shining his light, not in my house hiding away. THANK YOU SO MUCH Christian! I hope other's surfing the web looking for answers read this post, AND your comment!

  4. Annie, Thank you for this post. I am an INFJ male who is about to embark into the healing prayer ministry. I have been a bit apprehensive about it but after reading your post it reaffirms to me that the Lord made me and gave me the gifts of this personality type. Like you, I can sense when people are troubled almost instantly when encountering them. I am excited now to see how God will use me in this ministry. People have told me that my praying for them is spot on but honestly I just say what the Lord tells me to. Anyway, thank you for the post, it was just what I needed to read today as I began tomorrow with the first session. The Lord obviously brought me here to read your post. Know you where a blessing for me this day.
    -Mike E.


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