
Monday, July 23, 2012

Peace, God's Currency Part 1

A doe swollen with the life inside of her, neck arching gracefully for grazing barely notices as I run past.  For a moment our eyes meet, and she returns to her feast.  Leaves pass over head in various shades of green so vibrant I feel as if their chlorophyll and my blood pulse to the same rhythm.  If you cut me I'm pretty sure I'd bleed green.  In this state of oneness with the natural world I become acutely aware that I am but another creation of God, beating in chorus with all his creation.  I live for this time when I surrender my existence to existing and cease worrying about material existence, and listen.  Today's conversation revolved around currency.

Only when I'm at one with creation do I cease to worry about human currency and all it provides for me.  This peace that I come by when I surrender to existing as part of a much broader world, not my world but his world, this peace is God's currency.  When I see with clarity that I am but a thread woven into the fabric of all creatures for all time, and feel purposeful peace, God has paid me for my obedience in his currency.  When he tells us, for instance in the Parables of Talents, that "to the one who has, more will be given and he will grow rich, bur from one who has not, even what he has will be taken away."  God is talking about peace, NOT money.  When we use our talents for God we receive peace.  Sure Jesus could mean money or talent, and we could receive more of those things if we are using them in accordance with God's Will, but peace is GOD'S CURRENCY.  Money and worldly success are ours, Fear is satan's.  This was the conversation on my run today.

In all honesty, I have plenty of experience with this.  I have often allowed fear to creep in.  "Why hasn't he called me today?  I bet he's hurt.  If he hasn't called and he isn't hurt, what could he possibly be doing?  He'd better not be compromising our values." or, "how am I going to pay that bill?!" or "What if they all make fun of me?"  Once you head down this path you only create more fear for yourself, unless you call on your faith and hand it over to God.  The reward, then, is peace.  We are made to live in peace.  We must first turn away from all fear; fear of not having enough, of not being good enough, of not being approved of by others.  Then we will stop seeing things as the world sees them, stop seeing ourselves as the world sees us, and begin to see with God's eyes the beauty of ourselves, of others, of nature and find peace as we're meant to.  We will stop craving material stuff, and start craving Jesus, and all things divine, because we ARE divine beings.  We are children of God.  Each of us is beautiful.  Each of us has a purpose.  Each of us has a choice, daily.

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